Priyanka NadiyainWrite Under the MoonDear ValentineDuring this Valentine’s Day week, I felt that something was missing. A part of me is still missing. I don’t feel incomplete, but something…Feb 11Feb 11
Priyanka NadiyainWrite Under the MoonNew Year and Hopefully New MePhoto by Sandip Karangiya on UnsplashJan 1Jan 1
Priyanka NadiyainILLUMINATIONROOTS OF RATIONALISM AND BEYONDThe term “rationalism” has been used in philosophy for centuries, but its formal definition and characterization have evolved based on the…Dec 5, 2023Dec 5, 2023
Priyanka NadiyainWrite Under the MoonLove That DominatesThis article is not about domination over a particular gender, rather it’s about how people respect and love the domination of their…Nov 29, 20233Nov 29, 20233
Priyanka NadiyainILLUMINATIONSecond lead syndromeDramas are plays an integral part in Asian society. With the higher ratings and trending on OTT platforms dramas are widely watched and…Apr 27, 2023Apr 27, 2023